Docker has become such an integral part of my worfklow recently. These examples should demonstrate how Docker can help you be a more efficient pentester
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Default installations of Helm on Kubernetes can make it trivial for attackers to escalate to cluster admin. In this post I'll demonstrate how.
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Serverless functions have so much potential - here's a few useful examples I use when pentesting or doing bug bounties. Who needs testing infrastructure?
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The newest Windows 10 update includes OpenSSH utilities, including ssh-agent. Here's how to extract unencrypted saved private keys from the registry
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The SANS team hit another homerun with the HHC including awesome challenges that mimicked real-world pentest activities. Here's my solutions!
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WMI and WinRM are two Windows administrative "features" that are ripe for abuse if you have credentials. In this post, I'll show how to (mis)use them...
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On a recent pentest, we recovered credentials to a private Docker registry. Looting the contained images yielded us source code and admin ssh keys.
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